Uses and Benefits of Agarwood

17 Benefits of Agarwood Oud that You Should Know

by Yawar Saeed

Pure Oud Uses and Benefits


Oud (Agarwood) is a dark and heavy, oleoresin filled fragrant heartwood which is formed when a healthy tree of Aquilaria species is damaged either by fungal infection or physically to which tree's self defense mechanism responds by generating these oleoresins.


Agarwood in its various forms; oil, wood, powder, plant etc. has been used for many health benefits and treatment of various illness. For thousands of years, agarwood has been used for medicinal purposes and continues to be used in Ayurvedic, Tibetan and traditional East Asian medicine.


Listed down here are some of its benefits and uses.

Oud has health benefits

(Picture Above : Agarwood, also called oud, obtained from Aquilaria Agallocha tree from Assam - India)


1. East Asian Medicine:

    • Agarwood is prescribed in traditional East Asian medicine to promote the flow of qi, relieve pain, arrest vomiting by warming the stomach, and to relieve asthma (Anon., 1995a).

2. Chinese Medicine:

    • High-grade agarwood powder is prescribed in Chinese medicine (Yaacob, 1999).
    • High grade agarwood powder is also used in the production of pharmaceutical tinctures (Heuveling van Beek and Phillips, 1999).

3. Use as Liniment:

    • Malaysians use agarwood mixed with coconut oil as a liniment. Likewise Indians and chinese also use agarwood oil in their traditional medicine as a liniment for the treatment of various skin diseases. (Burkill (1966))

4. Rheumatism:

    •  Agarwood oil is used in a boiled concoction to treat rheumatism and other body pain.(Burkill)

5. Jaundice:

    • Often-discarded uninfected wood is used as Kayu gaharu lemppong by Malaysians to treat jaundice and body pains. (Chakrabarty et al. (1994))

6. Smallpox and Abdominal Pain:

    • Agarwood has been noted for its use as a complex ointment for smallpox and for various abdominal complaints. (1930, cited in Chakrabarty et al., 1994)

7. Pleurisy:

    • Its use for the treatment of pleurisy is referenced in the Ayurvedic medicinal text the Susruta Samhita.

8. Nervous System Disorders:

    • When used in aromatherapy, agarwood oil may help to treat anxiety, stress, depression and other nervous system disorders.

9. Liver and Kidney:

    • Agarwood oil is used to treat cirrhosis of the liver and kidney problems.

10. Lung and Stomach Tumours:

    • Agarwood oil is used in the treatment of lung and stomach tumours.

11. Carminative Diuretic:

12. The Indian Council:

    • The Indian Council summarizes the properties of agarwood as follows: “Agarwood is considered stimulant, antiasthmatic, carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac and astringent. It is used in diarrhoea, dysentery, gout, rheumatism and paralysis.

13. The Cropwatch Organisation:

    • The Cropwatch Organisation similarly lists acknowledged merits of agarwood in Asian medical praxis as “warming,” “to relieve stuck energy particularly in the digestive and respiratory systems,” “to alleviate pain,” and “balancing effects” on “nervous and emotional disorders.”

14. Middle East and Bangladesh:

    • In Egypt, Arabia and throughout the northeast part of Bangladesh, agarwood is described as a stimulant, cardiac tonic and carminative (Bhuiyan et al., 2009).

15. China and Japan:

    • It is used as a traditional sedative, analgesic and digestive medicine in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine (Abdullah et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2008).

16. Assam:

    • The water portion obtained as distillate after separating the oud oil during distillation process is used at present in Assam as an efficient stimulant and tonic fo the treatment of mental disorder and malnutrition

17. Miscellaneous:

    • The oud oil is used to treat illness during and after childbirth; to relieve spasms especially in the digestive and respiratory systems, abdominal pain, asthma, cancer (used as a general tonic), colic, chest congestion, diarrhea, hiccups, nausea, nerves and treatment of regurgitation (Burkill, 1966; Chakrabarty et al., 1994; Kim et al., 1997; Barden et al., 2000; Bhuiyan et al., 2009).
    • Agarwood is also prescribed for dropsy, as a carminative, a stimulant, for heart palpitations, and as a tonic taken particularly during pregnancy, after childbirth and for diseases of female genital organs (Chakrabarty et al., 1994).




A Word of Caution:

  • Note that the above mentioned benefits may only be realized with 100% pure oud.
  • A vast majority of the oud oil sold in the market today as 100% authentic oud is either completely fake or at best has little amount of oud oil mixed in unknown cheaper chemical oils which instead of being beneficial may actually cause headache, dizziness and irritation.
  • Likewise oud wood in the market is heavily colored and coated with harmful chemical substances to give it a look of a high quality oud but when burnt gives harmful smoke.

Pure Oud Oil(Picture Above : Pure Oud Oils obtained by hydro-distillation of oud wood) 

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Indian Adventures Pure Oud Oil

(Picture Above : Indian Adventures Pure Oud Oil - rated as the best Indian oud oil) 

Yawar Saeed
Yawar Saeed


The visionary founder behind Indicana Oud, your premier destination for authentic oud products. With a deep-rooted love for oud and a commitment to authenticity, Yawar's mission goes beyond business; he seeks to enlighten and educate others about the multifaceted aspects of agarwood

6 Responses

Maruf Mansur
Maruf Mansur

October 06, 2024

How i can get it from Bangladesh ? Where it is avaiable? Price in 12 ml bottle?

annie assauten
annie assauten

July 19, 2024

i came across one agarwood on my new plantation today, i have cut it down what next should i do?

Abu Muawiyyah
Abu Muawiyyah

March 18, 2024

Thanks for sharing this.

I was looking for the benefits of agarwood with sources.

Found here.


April 06, 2019

I know where Agarwood is in my country Uganda

Yawar Al-Hindi
Yawar Al-Hindi

September 03, 2018

@Nawal Kishore – Not sure about that.

Nawal Kishore
Nawal Kishore

July 08, 2018

Is its oil is useful in generating luster of pearls

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